Thursday, 18 September 2014

Multiple choice questions


1.  The state in which the articles of a solid or liquid present in the gaseous state as colloidal      suspension:

a. Aerosol           b. Gel                c. Alloy

2.  A  phenomenon that is exhibited by colloids alone:

a. Super saturation           b.  Tyndall effect       c. Property  of  reflecting  colours

3.  Which must be a component in an amalgam?

a. Sodium chloride            b.  Sodium hydroxide      c. Mercury

4.  What are the components of baking powder?

a. Sodium hydrogen tartarate                                              Sodium hydrogen carbonate 

b. Potassium hydrogen tartarate
  Sodium  hydrogen carbonate
c.Potassium hydrogen tartarate
Sodium carbonate

5.  Which substances are known as deicing salts?

a.  Calcium chloride 
     Sodium chloride

b .  Calcium hydroxide  
    Sodium chloride             

c. Calcium carbonate
Sodium carbonate

6.  Tartrazine : yellow : : Erythrocin : .................

a.  Red            b. Purple          c. Blue

7.  Propanoic acid :  Destroys fungus : : Sodium nitrate : ....................

a. Kill insects     b. Kills bacteria     c.  Destroy  yeast

8.  If  the  amount  of solute dissolved  is  lesser, it is a ...................

a. Concentrated solution         b.  Saturated solution        
 c.  Dilute  solution

9.  Which one will  be the example  for solid in solid solution?

a.       Alloy of copper and gold
b.      Watervapour in air
c.       Kerosene in petrol

10.  What happens when the path of light passed in chalk powder solution?

a.       Path of ray cannot be seen.
b.      Path of ray can be seen.
c.       None of these.

11.  The mixture of air and moisture is a .........................

a.       Solution                 b. Colloid         c.Suspension

12.  All solutions are ...................  mixtures.

a.       Heterogeneous       b. Homogeneous          c. Both of them

13.  Medicines are  ...................

a.       Colloid       b. suspension       c. solution

14.  What is the name of solution which cannot dissolve any further salt at a particular temperature?

       a. Unsaturated              b. Saturated                c. Supersaturated

15.  The solute can be filtered off in ...............

            a.Colloid          b. Suspension              c. Solution

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