Monday, 15 September 2014




                                     SUBMITTED BY,
                                                                PHYSICAL SCIENCE
                                                                KUCTE, NDD





        Publishers make available not only up-to-date and attractive science textbooks but a good variety of books for supplementary reading, periodicals and weekly newspapers that are devoted exclusively to science. Printed materials being essential part of science curricula play a key role in effective teaching and learning.
          The text book is the most widely used of all teaching instruments. Few teachers attempt a programme without one and many administrators require that one be used. Anytool used as extensively as this is certain to be misused on occasions and be subject of harsh criticism in consequence.
          According to Bacon Paul,-“A text book is a book for classroom use carefully prepared by experts in the field and equipped with usual teaching devices.”


         The following objectives of a good science textbook :

·       To facilitate the learners to understand exactly the various concepts and fundamental principles of science in a simple and scientific way.
·       To develop scientific attitude , scientific skills and a wide variety of the applications of the scientific knowledge among the students.
·       It should supplement and enrich classroom learning.
·       It should help pupils in doing home assignments.


The following are the impart qualities of a good science text book:-
Ø The Author
Ø Mechanical features
Ø The subject matter


      A good book mainly depends on the experience and the knowledge of  the author. The author should have the reasonable experience in teaching of that subject on which he is going to write.

Mechanical features of the book

          It involves paper quality, binding, printing etc. All these features are also important for a book and these features should be made attractive and according to the age of students. It is useful for the understanding of the learners to provide diagrams, sketches etc clearly, wherever necessary.

Subject matter

·       The textbook should cover the entire syllabus prescribed, without leaving even a single bit of information.
·       The content should be arranged sequentially and systematically based on the psychological principles.
·       Adequate introduction for every lesson is needed.
·       Appropriate assignments should be given at the end of every chapter or unit.
·       Headings and sub- headings should be given in bold type wherever needed.
·       Table of content and glossary of terms should be given in the book.
·       Use of simple and understandable language is recommended.
·       Try to correlate the subject matter with other subjects or with real life wherever possible in an appropriate manner.
·       The style of the book, the get up, etc should be of good standard.
·       Individual differences should be taken into consideration, while preparing a textbook.

Selection of science textbook

          Louise. F. Vogel developed an evaluation scale called Vogel’s score card, that may be a guide for selecting a science textbook. The major criteria suggested are grouped under ten major headings,
1.    Qualifications of the author
2.    Organization
3.    Content
4.    Presentation of materials
5.    Accuracy
6.    Readability
7.    Adaptability
8.    Teaching aids
9.    Illustrations
10.                 Appearance

Vogel’s  Spot  Check  EVALUATION Scale

          Text book  : ....................
          Author       : ....................
          Publisher   : ....................
          Copyright  : ....................
          Year           : ....................
          Price           : .....................
          Score          : .....................

1.    Qualifications of the author

i.       The author has taught the subject on which he is writing    [ ]
ii.    The author holds advanced degrees in related fields           [ ]
iii. The author has received assistance from specialists in preparing his manuscripts                                                    [ ]
iv. The author’s point of view , theory , or philosophy is in harmony with that of the school                                          [ ]
                       Partial score       

2.    Organisation

                               i.            There is a central theme which correlates the whole textbook     
                                                                                               [ ]
                            ii.            The textbook is organized into units which are based on student  interest and probability of use in everyday life       [ ]
                         iii.            The  organization makes use of topics already taught in the school                                                                                    [ ]
                         iv.            Questions or problems at the end of chapter are graded explicity in difficulty order                                                   [ ]
                                               Partial score          

3.    Content

i.       The textbook contains all the topics necessary for my purpose
                                                                                               [ ]
ii.      Material for one part of the textbook is cross- referenced with similar material in other part of the book                      [ ]                       
iii. The historical development of science is given some place [ ]
iv. Topics dealing with the latest advances of science are included                                                                                [ ]
v.    The social significance of science is stressed                      [ ]
                                                                 Partial score 
4.    Presentation Of Materials

i.       The inductive approach is used wherever possible in introducing new topics                                                           [ ]
ii.    The problem- solving aspect of science method is stressed   [ ]
iii. The author’s style is informal and interesting                        [ ]
iv. Unfamiliar scientific terms are set in italics or bold face       [ ]
v.    Important principles are set in italics or bold face                 [ ]
                                                 Partial score                 

5.     Accuracy

i.       All items on the pages are indicated in the index              [ ]
ii.    The items looked up are scientifically correct                   [ ]
iii. Telelogical expressions are avoided                                  [ ]
iv. Personification is avoided                                                  [ ]
v.    No ambiguity is apparent                                                   [ ]

                                                     Partial score              

6.    Readability

i.       The average number of words per sentence is below 21     [ ]
ii.    60% of the sentences are  simple or compound as opposed to complex                                                                                [ ]
iii. These are atleast four personal references per 100 words   [ ]
iv. There is atleast one application for each abstract principle [ ]
v.    There are not more than 42 affixes per 100 words              [ ]
                                                                                   Partial score

7.    Adaptability

i.       The textbook is satisfactory for low , average and brilliant students                                                                                [ ]
ii.    Students with rural and city background will find the text useful                                                                                   [ ]
iii. The textbook is arranged so that certain sections can be readily omitted                                                                                [ ]
iv. The author treat controversial subject impartially              [ ]
v.    In general the text fits my particular community need       [ ]
                                                                              Partial score
8.    Teaching Aids

i.       Summaries , questions and problems at the end of chapters are adequate                                                                       [ ]
ii.    References for teachers and students are annotated          [ ]
iii.  Appendix material is pertinent and useful                        [ ]
iv. The teacher’s manual is more than an answer-book          [ ]
v.    An annotated up to date film list is provided                     [ ]
                                                                                 Partial score
9.    Illustrations

i.         The illustrations are relatively modern                             [ ]
ii.      The photographic reproductions are large and clear         [ ]
iii.   The line cuts are well drawn and adequately labelled       [ ]
iv.   The figures are tied into the  textual material by direct  reference                                                                              [ ]
v.      The legends under the illustrations are useful learning devices                                                                                 [ ]

                                                               Partial score

10.      Appearance

i.       The appearance of the cover is attractive                           [ ]
ii.    The size and shape of the textbook would not be a handicap to students                                                                          [ ]
iii. The placement of the illustrations is pleasing                    [ ]
iv. The design of most pages is open , rather than crowded   [ ]
v.    The size of the type makes for easy reading                      [ ]
                                                                               Partial score


                     Science work book is an adjunct to science text book. For effective learning, pupils should have opportunities for practicing what they have learnt. Pupil’s work book in fact a practice material for pupils, the content of which is arranged in the order of the text book on which is based. A work book contains summary of each chapter of the textbook, exercises of different kinds , key to exercises and suggestions for practicals, assignments and improvisation.


·       Work book supplements classroom learning.
·       It  promotes  self learning and self assessment.
·       It provides for working out different types of assignments.
·       It gives practice of classroom learning and thereby reinforces learning.
·       It promotes scientific thinking.


            Teacher’s hand book is an excellent reference material for teachers for effective science teaching. In our state, it is prepared by the SCERT along with text books prepared by them. It contains summaries of chapter in the science text books, conceptual development of each topic, list of instructional objectives and specifications, explanation of significant technical terms, learning activities, precautions to be taken while attempting  demonstrations, teaching aids to be used, assignments of various kinds, evaluation tools, co-curricular activities that can be organized, seminars, projects etc to be organized and suggested references for teachers and pupils. In short, t6eacher’s hand book is a resource material for teachers.

·       It equips the teacher with sufficient theoretical knowledge and practical suggestions of what is to be taught.
·       It provides suitable learning experiences for different instructional situations.
·       It helps teachers to adopt appropriate methods and approaches of teaching.
·       It helps the teacher prepare various instructional materials.
·       It helps the teacher evaluate learning using relevant and standard tools of evaluation.


           Reference books  are used to find factual information on a subject and are not. Usually read all the way through or chapter by chapter. In a k-12 library, refer- book are usually located in a special reference collection areas and cannot be checked out. Reference book include dictionaries, encyclopedia, thecauei, almanacs, an comparison, a reference book or reference only book in a library is one that may only be used in the library and not borrowed from the library.


               The term sorce book is used to describe many different kinds of books such as collection of core articles, bibiliographies, biographies, printed archival sources, directories, and so on. These seems to be no conschsus in the application of the term.


                    A good science text book  should help to form correct understanding of basic concepts and principles of science. Now a days text book has become, a course of study, a set of unit plans and a learning guide as well. A text book is an economical device for teachers and students as it gives direction and saves time and energy. Also hand book is excellent reference material for teachers.


·       Methods of teaching physical science -  Dr.L.Rajasekar
·       Innovative science teaching – Dr.Radha Mohan
·       Science education- Dr.k.Sivarajan


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