Sunday, 21 September 2014


Name of the teacher : Lekshmi.c.r                                                    Date          :
Name of the school  : G.M.H.S.S, Venjaramood                             Class         : VIII
Subject                     :  Chemistry                                                     Division   : I
Lesson                      :  Atoms and molecules                          No. of students : 52
Content                     :  Atom , Element , Compounds                       Age         : 13+
                                                                                                           Time        : 40’              

            Though experiment , observation , group discussion pupil will get an idea about atoms , elements , compounds and they recognize this term in a new situation.


            TERMS           :          Elements , atom , compounds.
            FACTS            :          In a mixture , there are different types of molecules.
                                                Water is a mixture of more than one constituent.
                                                Salt water solution is a mixture.
                                                The gold ornament is a mixture.
                                                Pure gold is an pure substance.
            CONCEPTS   :           The tiny constituents with which molecules are built are known as 
                                                If there is only one kind of atom in a molecule of substance , it is
                                                an element.
                                                Substance formed by the combination of atoms of different
                                                elements are called compounds.
PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: There are different types of constituent present in mixtures.
PRE-REQUISITES :              Test- tube , salt solution , mercuric oxide , sugar , matchstick , spirit lamp , chart , discussion card.
TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS: Learning by doing , Co-operative learning
FORMATIVE EVALUATION         : Discussion , Questioning
REFERENCE                                     : Textbook , Teacher’s handbook , Internet
LEARNING OUTCOME                  :  To enable the pupil .....




Pr1    Pr2      Pr3     Pr4     Pr5                    
Pd1   Pd2    Pd3    Pd4









                                                                        Pr1           Remembering
                                                          Pr2       Understanding
                                                          Pr3       Applying
                                                          Pr4       Analyzing
                                                          Pr5           Evaluating
                                                          Pd1       Factual
                                                          Pd2          Conceptual
                                                          Pd3      Procedural
                                                          Pd4      Creative

Classroom  interaction process

Expected response

Students , how do we make salt solution?

So what are the constituents of salt solution?

Is it possible to separate components of salt solution?

Yes , right by heating , it is possible to separate salt and water.

Which are the constituents of water?

Is it possible to separate them?

Teacher shows a picture in which constituents of water are separated.

Picture Presentation

What did you observe in the picture?

Yes , right. Sir , Henry Cavendish proved that water is a substance composed of more than one constituents. Sir Humphrey Davy  confirmed this by passing electricity through  water and thus proved that water consist of hydrogen and oxygen.

Now can we do another activity.

        Take some sugar in a dry test tube. Place some anhydrous copper sulphate wrapped in cotton at the mouth of the test tube. Heat the test tube. Record the observation in your science diary.


·         Which are the constituents of sugar?
·         What is the substance remaining in test tube?
·         How does the colour of copper sulphate change?


         Sugar contain carbon , hydrogen and oxygen in it. Sugar looses its water on heating turns black and thus turns anhydrous copper sulphate into blue colour.

Now we can do another activity.

Take mercuric oxide in a test tube and heat it strongly show a glowing splinter at the mouth of test tube. Record you observation in science diary.


·         Which gas come out of the test tube?
·         What are the constituents of mercuric oxide?
·         Do the tiny constituents of molecules have the same properties as that of original substance?


         The glowing splinter burns fastly because the gas that came out of test tube was oxygen. The tiny shining drops sticking to the sides of test tube is mercury. The constituents of mercuric oxide are mercury and oxygen. The tiny constituents of molecule have different properties as that of  original substance.
        The tiny constituents with which molecules are built are called atoms. If there is only one kind of atoms in molecule of substance , it is an element. Substance formed by the combination of the atoms of different elements are compounds.

 Teacher shows a chart to students containing definition of atom , element and compound.

Discussion lead by Teacher

So students , what have we learnt today?

Yes , right. Atoms combine to form element and different element form compound.

By adding salt to water.

Salt , water


Hydrogen , Oxygen



Electricity is being passed through water.

Atom , element , compound


  DATE                    CHEMISTRY               Std:
  DAY                                                             Str:
               Atoms, Elements & compounds

           Mercuric oxide


·         What are atoms?
·         What are elements?
·         What are compounds?
·         Which are the elements of water?
·         Which are the elements of mercuric oxide?


·         Identify example from daily life which are compounds and write the elements present in them.


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